Monday, May 10, 2010

Happy Mother's Day Mom... but no singing! PLEASE!

So May 9, 2010 was my first Mother's day. It was a perfect morning... waking up to my 11 week old son. Full of gratitude, joy and humility. I sing to Cassius to calm him down at home, but mostly in the car as you all know how unsettling it is to have a baby screaming to the point of exhaustion on the 405! My lullabies are always the sure shot and settle him in moments... I promise. So, on Mother's day, it was a no brainer to sing to him while he was sleeping, thinking I'd get a glimpse of his toothless grin. Wishful thinking. The video says it all and please note... I messed up the words and he caught it and flashed the "stop" hand signal. Then took a little peep through his eye, hoping I was done so he could resume his nap. Life is full of blissful moments like these... Enjoy!
* the picture above was taken at 1 week... but I had to throw it in to capture the tenderness I interrupted.